During the past several years, New Antioch Church of Christ has been fortunate to present the Berean Study Series, produced by Heritage Christian University, as part of our Summer Series of lessons designed to help edify and enrich our members and friends. We readily agree with the Apostle Paul who, though inspiration, wrote “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (II Timothy 3: 16-17 NKJV)
2019 – Visions of Grace – We are saved by Grace! This is a scriptural truth. But, what does it mean? How do we contact God’s grace? Does God’s grace mean that we, as humans, have no responsibility toward obeying His word? Can we “fall from grace?” Grace is a word that is used a lot but most people, calling themselves Christians, fail to examine what the Bible reveals to us about how it relates to God’s will and plan for man’s salvation. These 13 lessons from scripture are designed to help illustrate just what the “grace of God” means and what our role is in God’s redemptive process.
2018-The Ten Commandments – This series of 13 lessons emphasize how the Ten Commandments continues to teach Christians about the nature of God and we should deal with all people (neighbors, friends, and strangers) in our walk with Christ. The goal is to strengthen our Bible study and to cause us to reflect on “be holy as He is holy.” The Ten Commandments has been described as the cornerstone of Western society. Our system of Government and the Bill of Rights are founded upon it’s principles. The lessons explore what God is saying about who we are and the purpose we have in this world.
2017: Clothed in Christ – Described as a “How-To Guide”, these lessons were developed to help God’s people deal with important basics when it comes to Christian Living. Described as being particularly helpful for new Christians, the lessons are practical in nature and emphasize important topics that help Christians to manage day-to-day living, stressing a daily walk with God. Topics include, Being Spiritual, Dying to Sin, Fruits of the spirit, and Church Involvement.