Sharpen Your Sword

“For the word of God is living and full of power, and is sharper than any two-edged sword, cutting through and making a division even of the soul and the spirit, the bones and the muscles, and quick to see the thoughts and purposes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12

Area Congregations


Blogs and Publications

Outreach and Ministries

Christian Colleges and Universities in Our Area
Heritage Christian University
(Florence, AL)
(Florence, AL)
Faulkner University
(Montgomery, AL)
(Montgomery, AL)
Freed-Hardeman University
(Henderson, TN)
(Henderson, TN)
Lipscomb University
(Nashville, TN)
(Nashville, TN)
Hardin University
(Searcy, AR)
(Searcy, AR)

Restoration Movement and Church History

Online Bibles and Resources